How to mass update memorized records?

SUMMARY: You have now an option where you can memorize the records you want and update them. You can even memorize all records and update a particular field in the module. Follow these steps to update memorized records: 1. Memorize … Continued

How to use Webinars add-on?

SUMMARY: Webinars is a new add-on by LabCollector for hosting meetings, trainings, etc within the LabCollector LIMS.  Please see below to know more about options in Webinars add-on. 1. Installation 2. Interface of webinars 3. Create a room 4. Join … Continued

How to use LabCollector for COVID-19 testing?

SUMMARY: With LabCollector’s COVID Combo Pack, you can increase your lab’s efficiency in performing tests for COVID -19. Thanks to this Combo Pack, you can keep track of your samples, tests, reports and invoices. The COVID Combo Pack includes the … Continued

How to set up storage in LabCollector?

SUMMARY: The “storage browser” and “manage storage” options in LabCollector help the user to store the location of each record in a precisely defined place. Research labs deal with several samples, chemicals, etc that they need to store in a … Continued

How to start with Document module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow the steps to access the Document module: 1. Open the Document module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Document module   1. This area will … Continued

How to start with Chemical structures module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the chemical structures module: 1. Open the chemical structures module 2. Open a record 1. Open the chemical structures module 1. This … Continued

How to start with Equipment module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the Equipment module: 1. Open the Equipment module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Equipment module 1. This area will show … Continued

How to start with Sequences module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the Sequences module: 1. Open the Sequences module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Sequences module 1. This area will show … Continued

How to start with Reagent & Supplies module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. This is how reagents & supplies module will look like. *The records won’t generally show at first. You need to click on the search icon with an … Continued

How to start with Primers module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the primers module: 1. Open the Primers module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Primers module 1. This area will show … Continued

How to start with Plasmids module?

SUMMARY: Inside LabCollector there are 13 by default modules, amongst which you can find the Plasmids module. You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Please, follow these steps to access the Plasmids module: 1. Open … Continued

How to start with Antibodies module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the Antibodies module: 1. Open the Antibodies module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Antibodies module 1. This area will show … Continued

How to start with Sample module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the Sample module: 1. Open the Sample module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Sample module 1. This area will show … Continued

How to start with Strains & Cells module?

SUMMARY: You can check our Knowledgebase on how a module generally looks like. Follow these steps to access the Strains & Cells module: 1. Open the Strains & Cells module 2. Open a record 1. Open the Strains & Cells … Continued

What are fields in LabCollector?

SUMMARY: Fields are present inside each module and add-ons. These fields help to insert more informations about the records. Check our KnowledgeBase on what are records. Below is the sample of fields inside strains and cells module when you click … Continued

What are records in LabCollector & how to create them?

SUMMARY: Records are the data about materials in the research lab. In LabCollector they can be sample names in sample modules, antibody names in antibody modules, reagents name in reagents & supplies module, etc. Follow these steps to access the … Continued

How does a module generally look like?

SUMMARY: To explain how does the module’s interface looks like. there are 13 by default modules in LabCollector. Generally, all the modules will have a similar interface, which is described below.   1. The Module’s name will be shown here. … Continued

How does LabCollector interface look?

SUMMARY: To explain what the LC interface looks like.   1. This is the search button. You can search for any record name. 2. This is the button to search for any barcode in LabCollector.     *Please read the … Continued