How to install root CA certificate in Google Chrome & FireFox? - LabCollector

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How to install root CA certificate in Google Chrome & FireFox?

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In certain scenarios, you may find the need to access LabCollector or the scan server utility from a computer other than the one where it is initially installed, often referred to as client computers.

The primary computer or server where LabCollector or Scan Server utility is originally installed typically establishes an HTTPS connection. The successful establishment of this connection relies on the correct installation of security certificates during the setup process.

However, client computers may lack these necessary certificates, which can result in an error message such as ‘There is a problem with this website’s security certificate.‘ This error can lead to browsers blocking communication with the intended website.

To address this issue and ensure seamless and secure connections from client computers, it becomes imperative to install the root Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, particularly when dealing with self-signed certificates. Throughout this Knowledge Base, we will demonstrate the process of installing a root CA certificate. We will use the example root CA certificate, referenced as ‘rootCA.pem,’ for illustrative purposes.

  1. How to retrieve rootCA certificate from Scan Server?
  2. How to install Certificates in Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge?
  3. How to install Certificates in Firefox?

How to retrieve rootCA certificate from Scan Server?
  1. First, open Scan Server and navigate to the section labeled “Certificate.”

2. From the Certificate section, download the rootCA.pem file to your PC. This file contains the necessary root certificate.

How to install Certificates in Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge?

To install a certificate in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, follow the below steps:

1. Open Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and navigate to the Settings page:

  • Click the three vertical dots (⋼) in the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Select Settings from the dropdown menu.

2. In the Settings menu, find the Privacy & Security section. Scroll down and click on Security to view more security-related options.

3. Under the Security section, locate and click on Manage Certificates. This will open a pop-up window that allows you to handle certificates.

4. In the pop-up window, go to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab, and click on Import to begin the process of adding a new root certificate.

5. A Certificate Import Wizard will appear. Click on Next to continue.

6. On the next screen, click Browse and navigate to where you saved the rootCA.pem file on your PC. Make sure to set the file type to All Files so you can see and select the PEM file.

7. After selecting the certificate, ensure it is placed in the correct store. Choose the option Place all certificates in the following store, and confirm it is set to Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Then, click Next.

8. After reviewing your choices, click Finish to complete the installation. A confirmation message should appear once the certificate is successfully imported.

You have now successfully installed the root certificate. (Make sure to close your browser and re-open it to complete the process).Your browser will now trust any site or resource using that root certificate for SSL/TLS security.

How to install Certificates in Firefox?

Step 1: Open Firefox Options

1. Launch Mozilla Firefox.

2. Click the three horizontal lines (hamburger menu) in the top-right corner to open the menu.

3. Select `Options` from the menu. This will open the Firefox Options page.

Step 2: Access Certificate Manager

4. In the left-hand navigation pane, scroll down and click on `Privacy & Security`.

5. Scroll further down to the `Certificates` section and click on `View Certificates`.

Step 3: Import the Root CA Certificate

6. In the Certificate Manager, go to the `Authorities` tab.

7. Click the `Import` button to initiate the Certificate Import Wizard.

8. Click the `Next` button to continue.

9. In the file dialog, browse to the location where you have the root CA certificate file (`rootCA.pem`) saved on your computer. Select the file and click `Open`.

10. Ensure the box that says “Trust this CA to identify websites” is checked to establish trust in this certificate authority.

11. Click `Next` to proceed.

12. Choose the option “Automatically trust ‘rootCA.pem’ for websites” and click `Next`.

13. Click `Finish` to complete the import process.

14. A confirmation dialog will appear, indicating that the import was successful. Click `OK` to close it.

Step 4: Restart Firefox

15. To ensure that the changes take effect, close and reopen Firefox.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

16. To confirm that the root CA certificate is installed correctly, go to LabCollector – Scan Server utility from Firefox on your client computer. You should no longer receive security certificate errors, and the browser will establish secure connections.


If you encounter issues with certificates for RackScanner, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the RackScanner URL in a new tab: https://XXXXXXXXXXXX:5353 (where XXXXXXXXXXXX is the appropriate server address).
  2. When the security warning appears, click “Advanced.”
  3. Select “Accept the risk and continue” or “Proceed to unsafe URL.”

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