How to print using Generic printing? - LabCollector

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How to print using Generic printing?

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LabCollector allows you to print barcodes using various label printers to print the barcodes with any printer that uses a driver from Windows, Linux & Mac.

1. Configure driver settings

2. Generic Printing 

1. Configure driver settings

    • When you install the printer drivers for the label printing, you can configure the settings for the same.
    • You need you go on the “control panel” in your computer and go to ‘Devices & Printers’.
    • Locate your printer driver and right click to see “printer properties”.
    • Depending on your driver and type of label printer, you will see a pop-up with various options to configure the default label printing options.
    • For example, below is the image from Zebra GX420t driver, where you can choose in the Support (stock) section, the print method (Direct & Thermal) or media type (Labels with or without gaps).


    • You can even create new label size by clicking on “New stock” (édition du support).


  • Remember the the above settings are just an example from a specific printer driver.
  • The settings configured in printer driver are default printer settings.
    Be Careful note
    You can also do settings while you print the final labels (temporary settings).
    However, please keep in mind that most of the times, the temporary printer settings are over ridden by the default one.
    So make sure that the default label settings is correct and as per your requirement.

2. Generic Printing

    • You can print the barcodes in bulk and print them.
    • Please remember that you need to first configure the printer and labels in LabCollector.
      Please read our Knowledge Base on how to configure printers with LabCollector..
    • You can even create a barcode template that can be used to print barcodes.
      Please read our Knowledge Base on how to print using generic printing method.
    • Once you have created the barcode using the template, you can click on the print option.
    • You will the below screen will pop-up with your printer name (Zebra GX420t-EPL).
      It is always best to use “Adjust to the size of paper” (Ajuster a la taille du papier) under the scaling option, to have a better printing possibility.


  • Be Careful note
    You can also do settings while you print the final labels (temporary settings).
    However, please keep in mind that most of the times, the temporary printer settings are over ridden by the default one.
    So make sure that the default label settings is correct and as per your requirement.
When it does not work please do not forget to recalibrate everything in case you encounter an issue.
Please refer to the KB on how to calibrate Zebra printers.

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