How to Setup Alerts in Data Logger?

Data Logger is one of LabCollector’s powerful add-ons, a network-based application that allows you to monitor and control your storage temperature, humidity and CO2 levels or any other data from a centralized location. Data Logger provides you with the ability … Continued

DYMO labels in LSM

LSM v3.217 offers new labels for DYMO and batch printing. To see how to customize DYMO label tags, check our this KB. To go to settings of labels for printing go to LSM–>Admin–>Barcode labels–> DYMO printing.   1. In “numbering option” … Continued

LSM User Levels

LabCollector grants specific rights to different user levels. Read our KB to know more about different user-level permissions inside LabCollector. Check our KB on how to manage users. LSM users are the same as those of LabCollector, therefore, the user name … Continued

How to manage ranges in LSM?

Ranges in LSM refer to the minimum and maximum values for a particular test, such as cholesterol, diabetes, or WBC count, which are essential for understanding and interpreting the results. It’s important to note that these ranges can vary depending … Continued

Linking records from LabCollector in ELN content

Linking data from LabCollector is very easy in ELN using the LabCollector icon . When you click on the content section in ELN Page the rich text editor opens and you can see the LabCollector option. This option allows you … Continued

Whats inside ELN Page?

The page in ELN offers you various options that allow you to link LabCollector data, create graphs, diagrams, attach associated files and validation by signing page. This helps you to replace paper lab notebook with many more functionalities. The contents … Continued

What is inside an Experiment?

The experiment in ELN offers you various options that allow you to create tasks list, link data inside LabCollector and to move the experiment to another book. This makes organizing your data simple and easy. When you create an experiment … Continued

What is inside a Book?

The book in ELN offers you various options to allow easy access and collaboration management. When you create a book you will see the below page. The contents of the page are explained below. The Index or the table of … Continued

Whats inside ELN’s content Rich text editor?

The rich text editor of ELN provides you with various options.  Each of them is described below.   The ELN uses HTML editing, so by viewing the page’s HTML or source code, you can see how elements on the page are handled as … Continued

How to create a Book, add an Experiment and a Page?

SUMMARY: Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) allows you to create Books and add experiments and pages to the books. For example, if you are a researcher working on multiple projects, you can add books according to each project. Thus you nee … Continued

How to Generate Invoices Report Template in LSM?

Generating invoices can be a time-consuming task, especially when you are working in a busy laboratory where you might receive multiple tests/jobs from various requesters. The Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on for LabCollector simplifies the process and helps you generate … Continued

How to generate Reports in LSM?

If you are a test lab then making reports from the test is an integral part of your everyday work.  The Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on in LabCollector allows you to make report templates.  Where you can use dynamic field … Continued

Graph in Flat spreadsheet

To create a Graph in Flat spreadsheet in ELN, go to the ELN add-on Select the Book, experiment and page where you want to create a spreadsheet. On the Page level you will find the Flat spreadsheet option. To read … Continued

How do I create Data trending chart?

SUMMARY: Trending charts show data trend over time. This can increase the understanding of the real performance of the sample.  Our LSM offers a Data trending chart that monitors the quality check for a sample. The chart shows the data … Continued

How to make Control Charts?

Control charts help us monitor quality. It is one of the seven basic tools described for quality control. Such charts can be used to determine if the process/equipment is stable over time. Control charts help to keep a check on … Continued

TIFF Image usage

  TIFF image support in LabCollector ELN and photobank requires configuration. This will require temporarily stopping the server and all use of LabCollector while performing this configuration.   If you are hosted with AgileBio, simply request to have the appropriate image utility … Continued

Error loading big reports in LabCollector

Error opening pdf reports in LabCollector: exception ‘Mpdf\MpdfException’ with message ‘The HTML code size is larger than pcre.backtrack_limit 1000000. You should use WriteHTML() with smaller string lengths. The PHP function preg_replace() has a maximum string length it will parse (by … Continued

API for ELN (v1)

1. URL URL: http://[labcollector_url]/extra_modules/eln/webservice/index.php?v=1 HEADER PARAMETERS: – X-LC-APP-Auth – Accept=application\json or Accept = text\xml Note: URL works with http and https 2. GET Recover data of books, experiments & pages. Mandatory parameter: UID (user identifier), supports numeric value or string … Continued

Test the LSM API

1. Available methods in LSM web service Note: URL works with http and https 1.1. Jobs Method: GET URL: http://[my_labcollector_url]/extra_modules/lsm/webservice/index.php?v=2 Optional parameters: datefrom, dateto, jobid, sampleid, assayid, status (by default only jobs in progress are returned, use status=all to view … Continued

Insert the LSMremote application in your website

LSMremote is an easy web/mobile interface of your Lab Service Manager for your client accessible through your own URL. To install LSM remote, download the ZIP file from the Client Area. Unzip this folder in the folder of your choice. … Continued

How do I print the Audit log list from LSM?

Log list (Audit)   This option allows you to print the complete list of audit logs done by users in LSM add-on. It gives you the information about all the changes or edits, the name of the user who did … Continued

How do I print job list from LSM?

Job lists printing This option allows you to print the full list of jobs used in the lab. It gives you all the information about who created the job, its status, priority level, requester, operator, if the sample is shipped … Continued

How do I print from LSM?

LSM makes printing easy by allowing to print various options as stated below. In LSM you have the option to print the following lists: Protocols Parameters Sample Types Test Equipment list Log list (Audit) Job list Requesters  Users  Protocols, parameters, … Continued

How do I print Equipment list from LSM?

Equipment printing This option allows you to print the full list of equipment used in the lab. It gives you all the information about the equipment location, brand serial number and the person in charge of handling the equipment. It … Continued

How do I do batch testing in the LSM?

Running tests in batches is frequently needed in testing labs.   The LSM has specific features designed to handle this.  These can be done with both manual or automated data entry. To create a batch you will need multiple jobs … Continued

Error loading big reports in LSM

Error opening pdf reports in LSM: exception ‘Mpdf\MpdfException’ with message ‘The HTML code size is larger than pcre.backtrack_limit 1000000. You should use WriteHTML() with smaller string lengths. The PHP function preg_replace() has a maximum string length it will parse (by … Continued

6th step: Create a test in the LSM

When starting LSM usage, it is essential to start with customization steps. You need to create your customers, results parameters, assays catalog and more. These items interact with each other in multiple ways, therefore the order of steps for the … Continued

5th step: Result and invoice template

The next step is to create a result or report template. LSM has multiple report types.  These include 1) Results / Processing Results 2) Invoice 3) Batch 4) Chain of Custody   You can create reports and invoices templates to … Continued

4th step: Create test parameters

When starting LSM usage, it is essential to start with customization steps. You need to create your customers, results parameters, assays catalog and more. These items interact with each other in multiple ways, therefore the order of steps for the … Continued

3rd step: Protocols and sample types

When starting LSM usage, it is essential to start with customization steps. You need to create your customers, results parameters, assays catalog and more. These items interact with each other in multiple ways, therefore the order of steps for the … Continued

2nd step: Create reagents and equipment

When starting LSM usage, it is essential to start with customization steps. You need to create your customers, results parameters, assays catalog and more. These items interact with each other in multiple ways, therefore the order of steps for the … Continued

1st step: Create users and requesters

SUMMARY: Lab Service Manager (LSM) add-on is the perfect application for service core & test labs. When starting LSM usage, it is essential to start with customization steps. You need to create accounts for your staff, customers, results parameters, assays … Continued

DO NOT add files on the rich text editor

If you want to attach files in a form module, please add files on custom fields. Go to ADMIN > DATA > CUSTOM FIELDS and create in the selected module a new field of type FILE (you can chose to … Continued

Quick WiFi configuration for OW-Server WiFi

Configuration of the OW-SERVER_v2-WiFi (USB flash drive, basic configuration) Using a USB cable with a micro USB connector on one side, connect the OW-SERVER-WIFI-2 to your computer. The flash drive should have a file named “CONFIG.TXT”.   1. Open this … Continued

OW-Server WiFi manual

Please find here the complete manual for OW-Server WiFi manual from Embedded Data Systems.

OW-Server Quick start guide

Getting started with the OW-SERVER can be done by following a few steps. Please review all steps in this guide to ensure you will have everything ready to complete the setup. 1. Apply power to the OW-SERVER. The green PWR/ACT LED … Continued

OW-Server ENET manual

Please find here the complete manual for configuration of the OW-SERVER-ENET from Embedded Data Systems.

How do I print records?

Printing records To print records from any of the modules go to the “Print” option in the selected record. A new page will appear where you can select options: 1. A model can be selected in a preformatted list. See … Continued

Manage user’s access (ELN)

For Super-administrator and administrator/PI only. Through ADMIN> Manage > Advanced Permissions, super-administrator can manage users’ permissions: Basic selection corresponding to actual LabCollector users’ permissions. Advanced selection: super-administrator defines PI for each group and PI can define specific user’s permissions. BASIC … Continued

How to use spreadsheets?

Two types of spreadsheet are available in LabCollector ELN: A web spreadsheet or flat spreadsheet based on html5 A JAVA spreadsheet WEB/FLAT SPREADSHEET To use the web/flat spreadsheet, click on Edit button at right. You have access to a spreadsheet … Continued

How to setup digital signatures on the LabCollector ELN

First, you need to have a license ELN + signature. First, activate OpenSSL and Curl on your PHP preferences: – Windows: open LabCollector Manager, in Settings > Configure Servers > PHP, edit PHP.INI and uncomment (by deleting the leading semi-colon … Continued

How do I print from ELN?

From the Home page go to ELN add-on  add-on print from LabCollector. A book in ELN offers a lot of flexibility than its paper counterpart which makes organizing the book in more easy way. You can create several books dedicated … Continued

ELN Workflows

SUMMARY: Why should I use workflows in my ELN? A workflow is a sequence of connected steps that can be used in a work organization or a process. Workflows are useful for routine experiments, helping to standardize the writing of … Continued

ELN templates

SUMMARY: ELN templates are a great way of speeding up and streamlining the layout and format of your experiment pages. There is already a default template but follow the below steps to create a custom template for ELN:- 1.Create a … Continued

ELN LabCollector principles

HOW TO WORK WITH THE LabCollector ELN A Lab Notebook is used to: Record and share experimental results Ensure traceability of research results (date, author, identity of samples, equipment usage) Capitalize on lab expertise and facilitate knowledge transfer Help you in a … Continued