We are happy to announce the release of the New Electronic Lab Notebook (V3.668)!
Discover some new features
- Timeline showing the last experiments
- Pages cross-reference: In content section, you can now refer to other pages and so create an active link
- Erratum box: In closed pages, it is now possible to add a note or refer to another page
- Zoho spreadsheet is now available on local instances too
- A new option was added to duplicate pages.
- History mode is added to allow version comparison. Modifications are highlighted: green for additions, red crossed out for deletions.
- Customization: Color code for books/experiments and pages. Color visible on the homepage, tree, print, pdf and search results.
Want to see ”your” favorite improvement featured in this list? We would too. Send along any feedback here, and we’ll see what we can do.
LabCollector team!