What’s new in LSM & LSMRemote web portal ?
Our LSM add-on and its LSMRemote portal are constantly evolving to bring you maximum functionality to help you provide exemplary service to your laboratory partners. New features are now available in LSM v4.034 and LSMRemote. Discover them now!
LSMRemote | Job Pre-Order |
In addition to patient pre-registration, it is now possible for the patient to pre-register a job. Once the patient has submitted the requested information, a QR code is then generated and will later be used during sample collection to retrieve the patient information. A new status “pre-order” is now available and allow the requester to edit the job during sample collection to add sample information and send the job to the lab.

LSMRemote | Direct Quote Payment |
Paying for quotes becomes easier and faster with the ability to pay directly through the LSMRemote portal by credit card (Stripe) or by PayPal.

LSMRemote | Electronic Signature |
In order to guarantee the authenticity of the request made by the patient during the pre-registration of a job, an electronic signature can now be proposed. It is now possible to sign by name or by drawing a signature directly on the portal at the time of pre-registration.

Others improvements:
LSMRemote Web Portal:
- Possibility to edit a pre-ordered job in LSMRemote (after job pre-registration)
- New filter by requester in job list
- Choose samples barcode 1D or 2D
- Possibility to hide/show reported jobs (already printed jobs)
- New option to import jobs with a CSV files
Lab Service Manger v4.034:
- New report tag ##results_extended_wdate##: to see the completed time of each test
- Send automatic email and/or fax for finished job (single or batch) to requesters
- Send report by fax can also be sent to secondary requesters
- Send custom message to patients by SMS or email
- New option to add color to a result value in a value list or numeric out of range
- New column “sample name” and “barcode” in batch report
- Allow the modification of the general comment after validation
- Add optional label to attached modules