Stillir SSO fyrir LabCollector with Azure Active Directory - LabCollector

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Single Sign-On (SSO) using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication provides a secure way for users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. In this guide, we will walk through the step-by-step process of configuring SSO SAML authentication for LabCollector from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

Lesa okkar KB um hvernig á að stilla LabCollector SSO síða.


Staðfesting á stakri innskráningu: Þetta gerir rannsóknarstofu þinni kleift að nota SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) auðkenning fyrir innskráningu. SAML veitir einum stað auðkenningar, sem gerist hjá öruggri auðkennisveitu. SAML notar örugga tákn sem eru stafrænt undirrituð og dulkóðuð skilaboð með auðkenningar- og heimildargögnum. Þessi tákn eru send frá auðkennisveitu til LabCollector með traustum tengslum. Eins og í tilfelli LDAP, lykilorðum (nema yfirstjórnanda) er stjórnað utan LabCollector.


Step 1: Access Azure Active Directory

1. Navigate to ( and log in to your Azure account.
2. Go to the ‘Azure Active Directory’ section.


Step 2: Add a New Application

1. Click on ‘Enterprise applications’.
2. Choose ‘Create your own application’.


Step 3: Configure SAML Authentication

1. Select ‘Integrate another application you don’t find in the gallery (Azure Marketplace)’.
2. Click on ‘Unique Authentication’ and choose the ‘SAML’ method.


Step 4: Complete Azure Fields

You have two options for filling out the fields:

1. Valkostur 1: Hlaða lýsigagnaskrá
– Download the ‘metadata XML file’ from the LabCollector SSO síða.
– Upload the downloaded metadata XML file using the ‘Load metadata file’ button provided by Azure.

2. Valkostur 2: Handvirk stilling
– Fill in the following Azure fields manually:
– Entity ID: Copy the metadata URL (e.g., `https://YOURINSTANCE/login.php?metadata`) from the LabCollector SSO uppsetningarsíða.
– URL Assertion Consumer Service: Notaðu ACS vefslóðina sem veitt er af LabCollector (e.g., `https://YOURINSTANCE/login.php?acs`).
– Connection URL: Enter the LabCollector login page URL (e.g., `https://YOURINSTANCE/login.php`).
– Disconnection Page URL: Provide the logout URL from LabCollector (e.g., `https://YOURINSTANCE/login.php.slo`).


Skref 5: Skiptu um upplýsingar

– Copy and paste the following information from Azure to the LabCollector SSO síða.
– Azure AD Identifier (Entity ID) to LabCollector Einingakenni.
– Single Sign-On Service URL to LabCollector Einskráningarþjónusta.
– Single Logout Service URL to LabCollector Einstök útskráningarþjónusta.


Step 6: Download Base 64 Certificate

– Save the configuration in Azure. Download the ‘Base 64 certificate’ from the ‘Certificate SAML’ section on the Azure screen.
– Copy the content of the certificate (.cer) and paste it into the ‘Public key’ input field on the LabCollector SSO uppsetningarsíða.


Step 7: Test the Configuration

– Save the settings on the LabCollector SSO uppsetningarsíða.
– Ensure that a user with a valid email address exists in LabCollector.
– Test logging into LabCollector using an Azure AD account email address.

Önnur Dómgreind
– Ensure that a user account with an email address as the username exists in LabCollector to be processed by the SSO.
- Stilla LabCollector SSO setup parameters, such as ‘Request Authentication Context’, if authentication errors occur, like ‘PasswordProtectedTransport’, during login due to Azure AD group policies.

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