What's the purpose of the report unique ID barcode? - LabCollector

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When you generate a report within LSM , you’ll find a barcode located in its footer, what is it and what’s its purpose?


1. What is the Report Unique ID

2. Purpose of the Report ID Barcode

  • Uniquely Identifying Reports
  • Compliance with ISO/CAP Standards
  • Tracking Report Versions
  • Preventing Typos and Errors

2. Behavior of the Report ID Barcode

  • Unchanging ID for FINAL Reports
  • New ID for Amended Reports
  • Link to Original Report ID


1. What is the Report Unique ID Barcode?

The Report Unique ID Barcode in Lab Service Manager (LSM) is a barcode that is generated and included in the footer of reports generated within the system. This barcode corresponds to a unique report identification number.

2. Purpose of the Report ID Barcode:

The primary purpose of the Report ID Barcode is to ensure traceability and compliance with ISO/CAP (International Organization for Standardization/Collège Américain de Pathologie) standards. It serves several essential functions:

2.1. Uniquely Identifying Reports: The barcode assigns a unique ID number to each report generated within LSM. This unique identifier is crucial for distinguishing between different reports and avoiding confusion.

2.2. Compliance with ISO/CAP Standards: ISO and CAP standards require that laboratory reports be uniquely identified to maintain data integrity and compliance. This ID Barcode helps meet these standards.

2.3. Tracking Report Versions: When a report is initially generated, it is assigned a specific ID Barcode. If the report undergoes any amendments or revisions, a new Report ID Barcode is generated for the updated version with a link back to the original report. This allows for tracking different versions of the same report.

2.4. Preventing Typos and Errors: The barcode system eliminates the need for manual entry, reducing the risk of errors or data entry mistakes. Users can simply scan the barcode to access the correct report.

3. Behavior of the Report ID Barcode:

3.1. Unchanging ID for FINAL Reports: Once a report is marked as FINAL within LSM, the assigned ID Barcode remains the same. This ensures that it remains constant for the final version of the report, even if it is copied or replicated.

3.2. New ID for Amended Reports: When amendments or modifications are made to a report, a new ID Barcode is generated for the amended version, which helps distinguish the revised report from the original.

3.3. Link to Original Report ID: The amended report’s new barcode typically includes a link to the original report. This linkage helps users easily trace back to the original report and identify the history of changes that were made.

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