In ADMIN > Manage > Advanced Permissions, the super-administrator can manage users’ permissions:

  • Basic selection corresponding to actual users’ permissions.
  • Advanced selection: the super-administrator can define PI for each group and PI can define specific user’s permissions.

Be Careful

Read the following points carefully to ensure each user has the correct access. Each user account should be checked for the correct permission level and access:

  • Admin level users have extra rights because they have admin-level access. Admins have significant permissions to view and edit many things by default throughout LabCollector and add-ons.
  • Being an admin doesn't involve VAB (View all books) permissions. But if the user is PI, they do see all books of their group (or all books if the group = Full Access).
  • VAB access is not set initially. This must be done by the super-admin or admins.  
  • The default group of Full Access should be reviewed for all users to ensure appropriate content is available for viewing and editing.
  • VAB and full access will allow an admin to view and edit all books.  
  • Individual books/projects have access rights as well.

The basic selection gives you access to two more tabs within ADMIN > Manage:

1/ Add Book/Project Rules, where super-administrator selects if an administrator, staff, and/or user can create new books.

2/ [All Books] Tab Access, allows the super-administrator to configure access to All Books.

The advanced selection allows for the choice of a PI for each group and permissions for all users.

The PI can then define permissions for users in their group, like the super-administrator.

For each user, the permissions are: 

  • All: All permissions
  • C/ETg: user can create and edit tags
  • C/EW: user can create and edit workflows
  • C/ET: user can create and edit templates
  • ANB: user can add new books
  • VGB: user can view group books
  • VAB: user can view all books and edit tags

When working on a book, you may notice a section located at the bottom that is specifically dedicated to showing all users who have access or are collaborating on the project. In this section, you can view the various levels of rights and permissions granted to different users for the selected book. This includes the ability to edit the book, add experiments and pages, close pages, and sign them, among other privileges. By utilizing this section, you can easily keep track of who is working on the book and ensure that each collaborator has the appropriate level of access to complete their assigned tasks effectively.

You can also see all the pages that were opened by other users, simply navigate to Admin > Page > Opened Pages, you can then see exactly which user opened which page, at what time alongside other details.


With advanced permissions, only PIs can sign pages of all members of their groups without explicit permissions in books.