Only users with an administrator profile can access the ADMIN menu in its entirety. Under ADMIN > Manage is where you can perform the general configuration of your ELN, so if you are deploying the ELN for the first time be sure to check all steps in this section.

From the ADMIN menu, you can also manage workflows, pages/chemical reactions/spreadsheet templates and custom fields to standardize writing procedures of experiments (see Chapter 7).

Managers can get an overview of the ELN activity using the Log Activity (last 50 entries), the audit tools, and the task time reports. Filters by a user and/or date range are available to execute more specific audits. For more details, see Chapter 8.

Super-administrator and administrators can manage digital certificates, page validation, and signing from this menu. This last section is also accessible to some users. For more details on these functions, see Chapter 9 of this user guide.