In the lab, we know how samples can go on a little journey for experiments. LabCollector's Storage Check-In/Check-Out is like a helper to make sure everyone knows where things are, especially when something is borrowed for a while.

Imagine a researcher takes some samples out for an experiment. Now, they're not in the storage, and someone else might get confused looking for them. This is where our new tool intervenes to help organize your lab storage even better!


Please note that this feature is only available starting from LabCollector v6.21, checkout our blog post to read about all the other exciting features included in this version.

If you want to update your current version, read the following knowledge base on how to upgrade your LabCollector.

See the video of our KB: Storage Check-in/out System for a detailed review on how the check-in/out system works.

First of all, in order to check-in/out a tube, you should navigate to the desired record, then click on the storage icon and finally select the "Minus tube" icon located on the top right corner of the corresponding tube (as shown in the screenshot below).

When you click on the "Minus tube" icon, a pop-up appears (see screenshot below). Here's what you can do to enhance your lab management:

  • Select Volume:
    • Choose the exact volume you want to remove.
  • Add Comments:
    • Document essential notes related to the tube.
  • Derive from Volume:
    • If needed, derive from the existing volume for further experimentation or analysis.
  • Transfer to Another Module:
    • Easily transfer the tube to another module, where it's needed.

In the same pop-up, you'll find a handy table with several options (please refer to the numbers in the screenshot above):

  1. Take Tube for Check-Out:
    • Opt to take the tube for check-out, signaling its temporary absence for experimentation.
  2. Remove Tube from Storage:
    • Remove the tube from its current storage spot.
  3. Move Tube to Another Storage Location:
    • Relocate the tube to a different storage location.

1. Search Function:

You have the option to search for all the records with tubes that are in/out of usage and are currently not in storage. To do so, simply follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Your Desired Module:
    • Head to the module you want to explore, whether it's Samples, Primers, Strains, or another.
  2. Expand Search Options:
    • Look for the "Expand search options" button. It allows you to have more search capabilities.
  3. Select Your Search Criteria:
    • Tick the box that says "Show tubes currently in/out of usage and not in storage."
  4. Hit That Search Button:
    • Click on the search button, and let LabCollector unveil the details.


2. Tube Status Message:

You will also see a message under the tube options' table, this tells you that the tube you picked is currently on duty, being used somewhere in the lab, and it's not in its usual storage slot.

No need to dig deep, the message gives you a quick snapshot, and would help you decide whether to wait for the tube's return or look for an alternative.


3. Color Cues in the Grid Viewer:

LabCollector not only tells you but shows you with a subtle yet effective visual cue about the status of a tube. Here's the breakdown:

  • Navigate to Storage Browser:
    • Open up the grid viewer to see a comprehensive layout of your tubes.
  • Check for Color Variations:
    • Tubes that are currently not in storage but in/out of usage will stand out with grey strips across, this indicates that they are either being used or has been taken out for an experiment.

Instantly spot tubes that are actively involved in lab activities, and easily distinguish between them and those in storage, facilitating your decision-making.