*************************************** Training Manager add-on Changelog *************************************** 
Training Manager add-on Changelog per year: 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024 / 2025
************** 2017 **************
# v1.04 - 08/09/2017
- ADDED: possibility to add existing samples instead of only create new ones
- ADDED: possibility to make internal requests instead of using abook records
************** 2018 **************

************** 2019 **************

************** 2020 **************

************** 2021 **************

************** 2022 **************

************** 2023 **************
# v1.107 - 2023-09-19
- ADDED: video progress saved and resume on reopening
- ADDED: PDF progress saved a resume on reopening

# v2.008 - 2023-09-29
- FIX redirection for simple user

# v2.008 - 2023-10-03 - 2023-10-10
- IMPROVE: use LC documents instead of addon directory
- IMPROVE: Add audit trail of important admin actions and user actions
- IMPROVE: Tooltips
- IMPROVE: demonstration message and alert on menu
- IMPROVE: User Name display encoding and avatar initial encoding : now support in all the addon Chinese and accentuate user name
- IMPROVE: display and style of Confirm dialog of legacy pages
- FIX user roles granting on Menu items and pages restrictions
- FIX training add page for license only self learning
- FIX User session using
- FIX translation typo in english and french
- FIX style of 'Add category' modal from Add training page
- FIX footer styling
- FIX vendor dependencies from PHP 8 to PHP 7.4 to maintain retro-compatibility
- FIX issues when fresh start but with DB alpha and beta data
- FIX user avatar generation
- FIX retro-compatibility with old LabCollector (6.12)
- FIX Change status of trainer, now a previously removed trainer role can be reassigned to a user
- FIX listing in t odo list of user Profile page all no-expirable completed training
- FIX Training expiration notification when valid for ever training

# v2.009 - 2023-10-13
- IMPROVE: Add obtain_date input into Grand certificate to user (M6827)

# v2.010 - 2023-09-29
- ADDED: Class learning
- IMPROVE: homogenization of configuration pages

# v2.011 - 2023-10-05
- IMPROVE: License system updated

# v2.011 - 2023-10-10
- IMPROVE: Consent signature is display to the trainee when he reopen a completed training

# v2.012 - 2023-10-19
- FIX optional trainings aren't anymore include at saving as Mandatory to complete a Skill
- IMPROVE: Add Mandatory column on the Training plan table to show the type of each training and can filter on that (M6860)

# v2.013 - 2023-10-20/25
- IMPROVE: Make a training to be validated to go live (M6847)
- IMPROVE: Add Mandatory into user manage trainings status view modal (M6866)
- IMPROVE: Add skill from Add training form (M6853)
- IMPROVE: Add archiving training possibility
- IMPROVE: Add some stats on User's training plan (M6899)
- FIX UX and compatibility

# v2.1 - 2023-11-13 - Renaming
- FIX redirect when installation success without LC 1.152 or upper
- IMPROVE: Add default skill groups functionality to automatically assign skill to user at login (M6832)
- IMPROVE: Add default dataset to help administrator to avoid the blank page after installation (M6836)

# v2.101 - 2023-11-15
- IMPROVE: Add start training notifications (email and alert) + Add a notifications configuration page (M6837)

************** 2024 **************
- IMPROVE: Add api/user/1/trainings/summary/mandatories/by_status internal API entrypoint to list mandatories trainings by expiration date (M6826)

- FIX: Security fix

# v2.102 - 2024-06-12
- IMPROVE: Allow trainee to follow again a training since it was completed once to extends expiration

# v2.103 - 2024-06-12
- IMPROVE: Add LSM protocol support on skills

- FIX: add Category from training form

- IMPROVE: LSM Protocols blocking and extending certificate (DEV-203)

- FIX: training consent sign drawing when browser has a zoom in or out

- FIX: fix access to consent signing form (DEV-465)

- FIX: fix user's skill names display

- FIX: fix API user's trainings list

- FIX: extend certification by LSM protocol

- IMPROVE: UX of Add training
- IMPROVE: dashboard translation

- FIX: remove a becoming useless v1->v2 upgrade fix from Permissions initialization
************** 2025 **************
# v2.104 - 2025-01-06
- FIX: security fix (DEV-643)

- FIX: access issue
- FIX: Date of completion and expiration from Manual Certificate granting (DEV-714)
- IMPROVE: UX of Trainings Plan by removing the default filter on Status

- FIX: LC global permissions interact with Training manager API permissions (DEV-754)
- FIX: New Staff+ integration and manager TM user level permissions (DEV-755)

- FIX: Auto-create API token at first use (DEV-754)
- FIX: User todolist was limited to One training by Skill group (DEV-762)

- FIX: Add translation for Accepted status in Training Plan page