Reagents & Supplies Link what is the purpose? - LabCollector

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Reagents & Supplies Link

The linking feature is very useful to associate records within the same Module or between Modules. This icon shows reagent and ordering info related to the record. You can associate the record to a new or an already existing reagent.

In this KB we will explore how to create Reagents & Supplies Link:

  1. Within the same Module
  2. Between Modules

For the modules Strains & Cells, Animals, Equipment, Antibodies and Primers, you can link your records to Reagents & Supplies Module to directly have information about prices, sellers, etc. Use the tab  to associate your record to an existent reagent or supply or create one choosing a category. This link called “Display Reagent & Ordering info is unidirectional (you can’t see that a reagent is associate to an animal for example).

The tab also gives access to ordering and reagent information taken from the Reagents & Supplies module directly into the parent record. When there is no reagent associated a prompt will be provided to create an automatic entry in the Reagents & Supplies module. Otherwise, you can indicate which existing reagent record to link with.

1. Within the same Module

The typical example is when you create a Homemade product, a new record in Reagents & Supplies module, using the recipes tool. This reagent recipe contains several reagents/components which are also records of the Reagent & Supplies Module. Consequently the new record (Homemade recipe) will be created with links connecting to each component used, together with a log entry. The log may be searched and will show which components were used as well as lots and quantity information. The quantities will be directly deduced from the selected lots. Each component and product may be clicked to go directly to the relevant record.

An example of a record for a product with links and the tree view showing the connection of the components to the product.


2. Between Modules

The typical example is when you have a document of a protocol in Documents module, using the recipes tool. This reagents contains several reagents/components which are also records of the Reagent & Supplies Module. Consequently the protocol can have links connecting to each component and reagents of the Reagent & Supplies Module. Each component and product may be clicked to go directly to the relevant record.

An example of a record for a product with links and the tree view showing the connection of the reagents to the protocol.