LSM: Trending and Job Charts - LabCollector

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LSM: Trending and Job Charts

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LSM: Trending and Job Charts

When using our Lab Service Manager, creating a chart with the information related to a particular job is easy. By clicking on the gear icon within your job list, you will then need to click on “Charts“. When users click on “Job Charts” or “Trending Charts“, they get access to an array of visualization options that helps cover diverse data representation needs.

In this KB we will explore how to activate and create the trending and job charts:


  • How to activate the charts option?
  • How to create a Job chart?
  • How to create a Trending chart?
  • How to insert a job chart into a report?

How to activate the charts option?

To activate the charts option you need to go to ADMIN => Preferences => Parameters. To be able to activate the chart option it needs to be a parameter of a test level and only for the type data of: numeric, AVG, SD or calculated. You will have two independent options to activate: the Job Chart and the Trending Chart (like the image bellow).

How to create a chart?

Afterwards you can visualize the charts for the desired job. For that go to Job List and on job level click on gear icon => Charts => Job Chart or Trending Chart (like the image bellow).

1. Job Chart

When selecting the Job Chart you will have a pop-up like the example bellow. You will be able to create graphs for the selected job.

  1. These options include various types of charts, each uniquely suited for specific data sets and analytical purposes. The available charts include: area, bars, boxes, bubbles, points, lines, pie, squared, etc;
  2. If the job have different tests, you can select the test of which you want to represent the results in a graph;
  3. You can decide if you want to organize the results by the different job’s samples or by the different test’s parameters; If you select samples you have the values distribute among the different parameters in the x-axis. If you chose parameters you have the values distribute among the different samples in the x-axis;
  4. At this option you can select different statistics calculus such as average, minimum, maximum etc. These values will be represented with a line in the graph;
  5. You can activate the option to see the statistics calculations in a table. The table will appear bellow the graph. This table calculates the average, maximum, minim etc of all the sample’s job. Therefore this option is useful when a job have different samples associated to a job. Is not possible to activate the statistics for parameters series.


2. Trending Chart

When selecting the Trending Chart you will have a pop-up like the example bellow. You will be able to create a graph with the values distribute among the different samples in the x-axis.



  1. These options include various types of charts, each uniquely suited for specific data sets and analytical purposes. The available charts include: area, bars, boxes, bubbles, points, lines, pie, squared, etc;
  2. If the job have different tests, you can select the test of which you want to represent the results in a graph;
  3. At this option you can select different statistics calculus such as average, minimum, maximum etc; These values will be represented with a line in the graph.


Additionally is also possible to chose if the date in the x-axis of the trending chart is based in the Started On date (default) or in the Collection date.

For that go to ADMIN -> Setup -> Case Record -> Report & Chart

How to insert a job chart into a report?

Is possible to annex the job charts into the final report. For that you just need to use the corresponded tag to your desired chart type.

You go to ADMIN -> Preferences -> Report and Invoice Templates -> Template body -> Dynamic fields pointer

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