Lab Cross Search - LabCollector

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Lab Cross search enables easy searching for module records across different LabCollector instances from any location.

The collaborative catalog within Lab Cross Search allows users to find and share data from modules across other LabCollector local instances. You can search for available reagents, antibodies, primers, plasmids, and more in other labs or within a community. The applications of this remote catalog are diverse, including providing biobanking resources and granting access to data repositories for clients or users

The Lab Cross Search offers several benefits to institutes and companies, including:

  • Efficient Data Sharing and Retrieval: Users can easily share and find the data they need in a quick and straightforward manner;
  • Suitable for Multi-Institutional Environments: The Lab Cross Search is particularly useful for institutions with multiple instances.


1. User portal

    Conduct searches as if you were using a standard search engine. Access to the user portal is restricted to a specific link. The portal will resemble the image presented below. You can always return to this homepage by clicking on the search icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

    You can log in your session to be able to configure the Lab Cross Search. Click on the icon log in in the upper right corner of the screen.

    2. Search options

    Search in all default and custom modules by typing text directly into the search bar. To start the search, separate words with a comma, which will create an “OR” condition. The search results are organized by instance and by module.

    The image below provides an example of a search using three keywords: patient, test, and IgG. The search engine displays all the records with these conditions present in the Instance Lab1 within the module Samples and in the instance Lab2 within the modules Cells and Sequences.


    2. Multiple instances

    Connect as many instances as you want. The number of instances is unlimited to ensure a complete search solution for your institution.

    To see the instances and/or users click on the icon settings in the upper right corner of the screen. At this menu you will have 3 options:

    1. This option allow you to see and edit the instances associated with the Lab Cross search.


    2. This option allow you to see the users with access to the settings/administrator menu and add new ones if needed.

    3. Log out your session.

    3. Admin portal & Data privacy

    The administrator menu allows you to manage instances, users and define data privacy (link to section) of modules, records or fields.

    • Go to the instance menu in settings :

    1. If you want to add a new instance to the Lab Cross Search you click in Add. It will open a pop-up with a form to fill.

    2. Fill the form with the information about the instance. Chose a name for your instance, copy the URL of your instance, copy the Token and finally chose the API version.

    To learn how to generate a token refer to our KB: How to generate a token to link to API services?


    • Keep control of what you want to share at different levels:

    1. Select the instance you want to restrict the search for, and then click on the synchronizing icon. This action will open a pop-up displaying all the information related to the instance: all the modules and fields, including any customized ones.

    2. By default, everything is visible, but you can hide an entire module or a specific field by simply deselecting the option in the Searchable column. Additionally, you have the option to hide a single record directly from the instance.

    3. If you want to reset all the filters previously applied to the search simply click in the reset icon .


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