How to add notifications in ELN? - LabCollector

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ELN now offers to give notifications to collaborators/users on the page level. This comes in very handy if you have to notify users/lab members, if a part of the experimenter project is over or to communicate with collaborators. You can notify the users, and they can observe them easily as soon as they log in in the ELN.

Please see the below steps on how to create notifications in ELN:

1. Create notification at page level

2. View notifications

1. Create notification at page level

  • To create a notification you need to go at the page level by clicking on the ELN -> BOOK -> EXPERIMENT -> PAGE -> NOTIFY COLLABORATORS
  • Note
    You can ONLY create notifications at page level and not at book or experiment level.

    eln notification

  • When you click on “Notifications” button you will see a pop-up like below:
    notification eln
  • 2. You will see the  “Notification author” where your login name will be displayed by default.
  • 3. You shall see here the name of the page.
  • 4. You can choose the block that you are notifying the user/collaborator for. It can be a spreadsheet or a content or diagram designer. You can even tag associated files so the user can add aw data for example.
  • 5. You can tag here your collaborators/users whom you want to send notification to.
    You also have the possibility to also send notification
  • 6. You can also send this notification by email to the collaborators/users.
  • Note
    – All the users/collaborators in ELN are already users of LabCollector.
    – That the collaborators have entered valid email in LabCollector user creation.
    – You need to also set up the SMTP settings to configure the server that will help in setting the notification, by going to LABCOLLETOR-> ADMIN -> GENERAL SETUP -> PROXY, TASK SCHEDULER & EMAIL. Please see the Knowledge Base to set up email alerts.
  • 7. You can type the message you want to the notifier. For example as shown in the above image.
    The email will look like below for an example,
    notification email
  • 8. Once done you can submit the notification.

2. View notifications

  • When the user is logged in can see notifications on the homepage.
    ln notification

  • 8. Click on homepage in ELN.
  • 9. Under notifications click on “Notifications” and below page will pop up.

  • 3. Click on the “messages” tab.
  • 4 & 5. You can click on the page link from here.
  • 6. Once you view the message, click on the check mark.

    Note that the notifications will continue to be visible, if you do not click on “viewed”.
  • Once you click on view you notifications will decrease.

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