How to migrate LabCollector to new Linux Server?

SUMMARY: You can now easily migrate the LabCollector data from old Linux server to new Linux server.  In order to migrate the database, there could be 4 scenario where you need to backup and migrate data to the new server: … Continued

System Requirements – Hosted options (FR/ENG)

  HOSTING PLATFORM – SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS LabCollector can be installed using the installation wizard (On Win7, Win8, Win10, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2018 or 2019) or manually on any operating system (Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS X 10.2.6 or more … Continued

Rack scanners installation and connection with ScanServer

1. AgileBio ScanServer installation This Windows software is a server listener to directly connect LabCollector with Rack Scanners. Begin by downloading the scan server ZIP folder on /clientarea then section Downloads > Utilities (you may need to log in and/or register). After … Continued

PHP extensions needed

For custom installation and particularly on Linux, be aware that you need to have these PHP extensions installed on your server: php-mysql (up to PHP5.6.x) php-mysqli (from PHP7.x) php-pdo php-xml php-gd php-mbstring php_curl php_openssl php-mcrypt (up to PHP5.6.x) php-zip  

Mysql Server memory usage optimization

  Sometimes, with the new LabCollector server manager version 2.5, mysql server’s RAM increases. Try adding the following in your my.ini (or my.cnf) file under the [mysqld] part: table_definition_cache = 400 performance_schema=0 and restart your mysql server.