*************************************** Query Builder add-on Changelog *************************************** Query Builder add-on Changelog per year: 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024 / 2025 ************** 2012 ************** # v1.0 - x/xx/2012 - First release ************** 2013 ************** ************** 2014 ************** # v1.5 - 28/11/2014 - Design Updates - General setup (per user) and specific setup (per query) to configure query results and export ************** 2015 ************** ************** 2016 ************** ************** 2017 ************** - Bug in license saving ************** 2018 ************** # v2.0 - 15/08/2018 - Full redesign/rebuild of the addon # v2.1 - 21/08/2018 - Remote query URL API added to trigger runs and export to external applications (M0002452) # v2.2 - 01/09/2018 - Added loading message to query results (M0002557) - Fixed query saving multiple times (M0002553) - Added main operator to show name from contacts (M0002548) - Restricted specific modules from groups with no access (M0002561) ************** 2019 ************** # v2.4 - 08/03/2019 0002646: [Improvements] QB: Add option to save a copy of a query under a different name 0002691: [Bugs] QB: Add project code to exported data. 0002652: [Improvements] QB: Add colour to Results page 0000009: [Improvements] Fields to be selected are the DataBase column names not the UI names 0000010: [Bugs] QB/Demo mode goes straight to free mode on first install 0000013: [Improvements] QB/ Combine methods of linking when constructing a query 0002315: [Bugs] QB: selct field values are reported as ID and not text values 0002358: [Improvements] QB: Select Fields - add an option to check/uncheck all fields in a module 0002647: [Improvements] QB: Add legend name to fields in filters in brackets beside the database name 0002648: [Improvements] QB: Remove Secondary modules from Select fields page 0002649: [Improvements] QB: Move the save button to be closer to the query name 0002650: [Improvements] QB: Edit query name with pencil icon 0002651: [Improvements] QB: Add legend name to fields in brackets beside the database name on Select Fields page 0002765: [Bugs] QB: Editing a project filter removes all existing projects 0002855: [Bugs] QB: Filtering on a custom field - no results 0002733: [Improvements] QB: Include SQL functions for data and time intervals 0002732: [Improvements] QB: Edit filters ************** 2020 ************** - CHANGED: integrated into LC v6.0 # v3.0 - 22/07/2020 # v3.01 - 23/09/2020 - Added "copy activation key to clipboard" feature 18/11/2020 - Added a tooltip when activation key is copied # v3.02 - 19/11/20020 - BUG: missing export buttons # v3.03 - 12/02/2020 - BUG: wrong JSON format export (M3688) - CHANGED: replace CSV delimiter by comma - ADDED: create an output of URL generated in a JSON format (M3689) - ADDED: set CSV delimiter dynamically - BUG: afer refreshing remote url is not good generated ************** 2021 ************** 10/03/2021 - BUG: Remote URL API login issue 04/05/2021 - CHANGED: use $DB_ENGINE # v3.04 - 02/06/2021 - CHANGED: support saas mode licences # v3.05 - 24/11/2021 - CHANGED: modified some code & sql queries to make it work with only full group by mode ************** 2022 ************** 28/07/2022 - CHANGED: Auto install ************** 2023 ************** 18/01/2023 - BUG: footer overlaps some queries on queris tab (M6359) 02/02/2023 - CHANGED: add box_name to results (M6402) ************** 2024 ************** # v3.06 - 19/06/2024 - BUG: PHP8 compatibility + FR language fix - CHANGED: Refactored results JSON response (M7451) 15/07/2024 - IMPROVEMENT: Added searchin option (DEV-150) - IMPROVEMENT: Disable link options depending on the module selected (DEV-150) - IMPROVEMENT: Filter link options depending on the module selected (DEV-150) # v3.07 - 15/07/2024 - BUG: HotFix prevent empty selected field searchin - IMPROVEMENT: change response searchin (DEV-150) 18/10/2024 - BUG: handle complex fields on searchin query - IMPROVEMENT: Add white list to api response 13/11/2024 - IMPROVEMENT: Add Plant Manager to Query builder (DEV-533) 18-19/11/2024 - IMPROVEMENT: allow passing parameters by params (DEV-551) - IMPROVEMENT: add the postfix of the field in the results (DEV-550) - BUG: Fix bug error deleting filters (DEV-554) - BUG: Fix bug postfix export (DEV-550) - BUG: Fix the bug in URL parameter filtering (DEV-551) ************** 2025 ************** 09/01/2025 - BUG: Add missing view 'view_links' in install - BUG: Link mode was disabled despite being a valid option - BUG: Error displaying autocomplete options - BUG: Staff cannot save a query (DEV-704) 21/01/2025 - IMPROVEMENT: Add "or" condition in filter (DEV-707) # v3.08 - 22/01/2025 24-27/01/2025 - BUG: Error running query when no user fields were selected - BUG: Error handling complex fields in filter - BUG: Error Handling for Filters Passed via URL - BUG: "Could not run query" when user postfix not availables - BUG: Box name is not exported (DEV-752) - BUG: Error loading query from Queries tab (DEV-733) - BUG: Default Fields missing on export link (DEV-732) 28-30/01/2025 - BUG: error handling complex fields in filter - BUG: export results gives wrong prompt (DEV-739) - IMPROVEMENT: Add the "owner" of the query (DEV-699) - BUG: Special char interfering with query results (DEV-777) - BUG: wrong result when using "or" condition in filter (DEV-707) - BUG: Displaying disabled fields (DEV-712) - BUG: Wrong expected results number (DEV-738) # v3.09 - 31/01/2025