*************************************** Plant Manager add-on Changelog ***************************************
Plant Manager add-on Changelog per year: 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024 / 2025************** 2012 **************
# v1.01 - 18/04/2012
- CSS bug corrected
- autocomplete for trays limited to active trays
# v1.02 - 18/04/2012
- layou/menu correction (doctype)
- get-lic.php : support for x86 folder in windows 64bits
************** 2013 **************
# v1.03 29/07/2013
- Add attribut exact or approximate on trays limit.
- Add logic limit_type :
1 - Modif action edit and add tray
2 - Modif action edit and add plant
3 - Modif getTrayPositions.php and validation.php file
- Add phenotypes for plant :
1 - Modif action edit, add and filter plant
2 - Add in setup phenotype management
- Add associate bar code on trays, plants and fee
1 - Modif action edit, add on trays, plants and fee
2 - Modif sheet trays, plant and seed to add associated barcode and phenotypes data
- Add import of datas
# v1.03 22/10/2013
- bug Corrections
- quick search by ID/barcode
- View seeds from plants
- detail popup changed in plants
- Harvest date updated in imports
************** 2014 **************************** 2015 **************************** 2016 **************************** 2017 **************************** 2018 **************
# v1.03b 21/09/2018
- Minor bugs on tray setup
************** 2019 **************
# v1.03c 28/03/2019
- Derive to LC samples had old form and bugs
0003375: [Improvements] PlantsM: Trays list page improvemennt
0003713: [Improvements] PlantsM: tray list => link to tray plants & tray free space
0003714: [Improvements] PlantsM: plant sheet scrollbar
0003715: [Bugs] PlantsM: tray sheet loads bad tray_id
0003694: [Bugs] PlantsM: pagination not working in all popups
0003656: [Bugs] PlantsM: Import is faulty
0003382: [Improvements] PlantsM: List pages > Review Pagination
0003677: [Improvements] massive plant & seed deletion
0003679: [Improvements] PlantsM: show addon version in addon footer
0003117: [Improvements] PlantsM: Make Plants without seeds
0003378: [Improvements] PlantsM: Seed view popup: Add a Create tray button
0003380: [Improvements] PlantsM: Plants view page improvement
0003648: [Bugs] PlantsM: barcode print not working
0003379: [Improvements] PlantsM: MAke Tray: Autocomplete detail of seed/plants
0003620: [Improvements] PlantsM: replace date picker
0003372: [Improvements] PlantsM: Tray types variants
0003619: [Improvements] PlantsM: Add Plant to tray
# v2.0 on 26/07/2019
- New LC v6 template and CSS changes
- Add "copy activation key to clipboard" feature
************** 2020 **************
# v3.0 on 11/05/2020
# v3.01 on 23/09/2020
- Master trays and sub-trays management (M4674)
- CSS fixes
#v3.02 on 16/10/2020
- Add a tooltip when activation key is copied
************** 2021 **************
#v3.03 on 01/06/2021
- NEW: support saas mode licences
************** 2022 **************
- Auto install
#v3.03 on 26/08/2022
- CHANGE: reorder menu to SEEDS / TRAYS / PLANTS (M6166)
- CHANGE: add modal for test tube button in PLANTS (M6168)
************** 2023 **************
- CHANGE: Fixed a bug on import with plant's associated_bc
FIX: bug on barCode and PHP7 warning
- NEW: Support of automatic license
- CHANGE: support of PHP8.0 by fixing warning
- FIX: Link pick functionality
- CHANGE: Link pick harmonized
- FIX: Seed, plant ad Tray picking popups
- FIX: EN language error
- FIX: Mass Plants creation from Trays : date and Researcher are as attended
- IMPROVEMENT: Plant action: open LSM remote to order job
- FIX: Quick search of Tray if no direct edit tray possibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Configure LSM remote in setup
- IMPROVEMENT: Plant adding for Trays made for future use must alert if date is not possible and blocked to add before this tray date (M7018)
- IMPROVEMENT: Add an icon to put plants on all free positions of a Tray (M7017)
#v3.04 on 12/12/2023
- IMPROVEMENT: Add Capacity to Mass Harvest + give reason of harvest (M3377)
#v3.05 on 13/12/2023
- IMPROVEMENT: Tray to link to seed even without fill-up (M7021)
#v3.07 on 14/12/2023
- IMPROVEMENT: Add Plant Type (M7038)
- IMPROVEMENT: Make multiple request to LSM in batch (M7035)
- IMPROVEMENT: Added project code support (M7019)
- IMPROVEMENT: Show in LC record the info of PM data (M7036)
- FIX: Fixed some CSS bugs
- IMPROVEMENT: Added plan name to LSM request
- FIXED: Added project code to filter text
************** 2024 **************
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom modules management (M7022)
- FIX: Fixed SQL error on install
- IMPROVEMENT: Add total LabCollector Custom fields system support (M3116) need LC 6.22
- FIX: fix addSeed error
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom modules management (M7022) - II - v3.11
- IMPROVEMENT: Improve filters (M7174)
- IMPROVEMENT: Tray Germination percent display (M7175)
- IMPROVEMENT: Add a retro-fix of researcher, sown by and Constructor display value which are incorrectly saved in DB
- FIX: Fix old database value of all userSelect values (except deleted user) (M7197)
- IMPROVEMENT: Added display order for custom modules and categories - v3.122
- IMPROVEMENT: Prepared custom modules setup for plant derivation - v3.123
- IMPROVEMENT: Can now derive plants in custom modules & added default comment
- FIX: Fixed custom module alternate name in breadcrumb
- IMPROVEMENT: Remove Filter form mandatory attribute of Plant type
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom modules: table with summary line fields, print barcode, derivation from custom modules, record view
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved custom modules filters
- FIX: Fixed custom modules bottom navigation selects
- FIX: Fixed multiple PHP warnings
- IMPROVEMENT: Add auto submit on QuickSearch Barcode scanning
- CHANGE: Derivation process in setup and plants & custom modules - v3.124
- FIX: Disallow negative number on Tray Plan limit
- IMPROVEMENT: Add bulk label actions for trays and plants (M7023)
- FIX: incompatibility between plugins when autocomplete customFields used
- IMPROVEMENT: Manage multiple LSM remote
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom module: icon to open record in LC
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom module: derivation gives parameter to create the module relation
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom module: quick search on enter key press, quick search on barcode
21/03/2024 - v3.126
- IMPROVEMENT: Add project Code on Plant entity
- IMPROVEMENT: Add Dead or Alive filter on Trays list
- IMPROVEMENT: Display Plant into Custom module record Plants tab
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom fields into Search bar
- IMPROVEMENT: Add search capacity to Trays, Plants, Seeds popups accessible by record forms (M7282)
- FIX: Custom module quick barcode search fix & clear button
- FIX: Don't show empty categories in menu
01/07/2024 - v3.127
- FIX: double submit of record creation when double click on submit buttons (DEV-11)
- FIX: PHP Warnings remove (DEV-151)
- FIX: Security fix (DEV-186 + DEV-187)
30/07/2024 - v3.128
- IMPROVEMENT: Seed, Tray and Plant tables can be customized by admin (DEV-177)
01/08/2024 - v3.129
- IMPROVEMENT: Seed, Tray and Plant form can be customized by admin (DEV-177-bis)
- FIX: LSM add/delete setup actions not working because of lang not included
- IMPROVEMENT: derive function needs to keep data with the same field name from record to record (DEV-107)
- FIX: some fix on table and form refactoring (DEV-177)
- FIX: Security improvements
- FIX: Dropdown menu CSS fix
- IMPROVEMENT: Custom modules setup styles
- FIX: Fixed broken derivation mecanism
- IMPROVEMENT: FormBuilder now supports ProjectCode for Add/Edit/Search forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Create a tray name rule (SAK-38 DEV-10)
- IMPROVEMENT: On tray duplication, do not generate new tray name, just reuse (SAK-38 DEV-10)
09/09/2024 - v3.130
- IMPROVEMENT: Add volume to Seed storage options (DEV-348)
- FIX: Custom fields Encoding
16/09/2024 - v3.131
- IMPROVEMENT: Add Seed volume destocking from Tray (DEV-367)
- IMPROVEMENT: Add Tray Transplant option to distinct more from a simple Duplication (DEV-372)
- FIX: Bad support of external modules select custom fields into Data Table
- IMPROVEMENT: Entity derived name contains name only (removed id ans short name)
- FIX: Bad variable passed to derivation
- FIX: Fixed upgrade and install scripts
- IMPROVEMENT: Values of Plant Seed custom fields and project code are save into the Plant at creation
- IMPROVEMENT: Fix plant edit saving seed id losing (DEV-604)
- FIX: user level permissions (DEV-603)
- FIX: automatic filling seed_id on tray creation form when come from the Seed detail modal (DEV-602)
- IMPROVEMENT: Derivation now also gives custom fields values to popin form (DEV-605)
- IMPROVEMENT: add a helper on some table column header
- FIX: correct display of project name on Plant and Tray tables
- IMPROVEMENT: Values of Plant Tray custom fields and project code are save into the Plant at creation (DEV-634)
- FIX: support of quote custom field values
- FIX: encoding issue of Storage temperature
************** 2025 **************
FIX: potential fatal error
FIX: avoid duplicate plant custom field insertion when getting values from Seed (DEV-774)
- CHANGE: Ordered Plants view by ID DESC by default
- FIX: duplicate Plant function empty Seed ID by default (DEV-806)
- CHANGE: No more deletion, replaced by Archive (DEV-804)