In LabCollector, you can now remove a list of samples from storage at once using worklist (for more information about this tool, refer to section 10.5). 

This function is available for all modules.

  1. Go to the relevant module to select samples that you need to remove for storage by using the memorized record tool .
  2. Go to Tools 🡪 Manage memorized items.
  3. Select records that you need to remove from the storage by checking the corresponding box.
  4. Generate a worklist (for more information about this tool, refer to section 10.5)
  5. Now click on the “Remove all from storage” button. A pop-up opens to inform you this action cannot be undone and to choose main storage or secondary storage.

Your sample’s storage is now removed. The removal of tubes from storage will be saved as an action in the audit trail/user history log.