How to print in bulk the barcodes using LSMRemote? - LabCollector

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How to print in bulk the barcodes using LSMRemote?

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Now LSMRemote allows you to print in bulk the barcodes directly. You can choose the jobs that you want to print from and create in bulk barcodes

Follow the below process to print barcodes in bilk:

1. Select the jobs 

2. Print the barcodes

1. Select the jobs

  • Go to the LSM remote and login into it.
  • You will see the list of jobs.
  • You need to activate the below option to select the jobs for printing.
  • After you activate, you need to select the jobs. As you select the jobs they will appear in pink like below.

2. Print the barcodes

  • Once you have selected all the jobs to be printed, you can now print in bulk the barcodes for them.
  • You will see a pop up with all barcode settings that you can adjust according to your requirements.

Once you click on print button you will see all the barcodes and you can again click on print button to print them in bulk.

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