System Requirements

  • Server side: Windows Seven/Win8/Win10, Linux, Unix and MacOS X 10.x. and many others.
  • Apache or IIS Web Server. IIS is a standard option of Windows. Apache runs on Windows too (we recommend our all-in-one server installer for Windows).
  • Server capacity from CPU with 2 core (Intel, AMD), RAM 4Gb+ (8Gb+ for Windows), HDD 20Gb+ (more for ELN).
  • PHP 5.3+ (, PHP5.6.x recommended, PHP 7 not yet suported (soon).
  • MySQL database server 5.4+ (
  • Client side: Any OS (Mac/PC/Linux) with any recent browser. For example Internet Explorer > 10, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.

We provide an installation wizard (all-in-one package) for Windows system. LabCollector LIMS is preferentially an Intranet application, but you can run it on a single computer too (like a Windows Vista or Seven computer) or install it on any web server account, from your institute or from a commercial web hosting providers.

Contact Us if you need assistance!

Current version: 5.423

To manually upgrade, just download and replace files on your LabCollector folder. An upgrade script is provided (upgrade.php). Database structure is updated using the special upgrade script.

Contact Us for assistance or if you have an older version.