**************************** Data Logger Changelog ***************************
Data Logger Changelog per year: 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024 / 2025
# v1.0 – 2012 – First release
# v1.5-2.0
– improved alert system creation of a setup to manage alerts configuration each type of alert (email and sms) has a dedicated setup creation of scheduler system introduction of a secondary contact improved alert reminder’s system
– lclogger_monitor.php now sends an alert at each execution instead of one per hour
– bug fix: logger connection test now takes into account delete loggers and deactivated logger
# v3.0
– home, equipment view and probe view now saves and maintains user filter’s
– home, equipment view and probe view can now show more than one probe type (radio to checkbox)
– full screen capability (customizable and with an option for multiple monitors)
– user personalized view, users can only see the probes they desire
– possibility of changing the default text (On/Off) of the alarm probes
– possibility of reseting max and min values of a probe
# v3.12
– new button to test alerts (Email and SMS)
– archive orange/grey probes from home
– grey probes no longer have empty tooltip chart
– bug fix: autoload ow humidity values were incorrect
– bug fix: correction of auto refresh in home page and full screen
# v3.52
– new Setup
– Monitor creates new tables “probesdata” every year
# v3.6
– BUG: corrected – in full screen, no change of probe values
– ADDED: full screen alert bar
– ADDED: values from probe with ONE decimal only even if it’s a 0
– ADDED: Improve secondary contact list management
– ADDED: Equipment SELECT on alphabetical order
– ADDED: GIOP Tester Unique Numbers
# v3.65
– BUG: probe’s data search for the same day (beginning and ending in the same day) were empty
– BUG: probe’s data search to far back returned error (table from years before didn’t exist)
# v3.66
– ADDED: GOIP contact numbers must start with +
– BUG: When adding a new logger the form was losing data
– ADDED: monitoring relay probes without flag delay
– BUG: export probe data when no search date parameters are given
– BUG: print of the probe chart is now working
– ADDED: if the probe has no data (empty chart) then the live feed, export and print stay inactive
# v3.7
– ADDED: possiblity to filter loggers by LabCollector groups
– ADDED: setup is accessible only for super adm, adm with no groups and master adm (adm that are master of their groups – this adm can only see/create/edit loggers of the group(s) he manages or general loggers)
# v3.8
– ADDED: lclogger now automatic installs CRON files in the UserFiles (if newer versions of the files are detected in lclogger folder the install is triggered again)
– ADDED: a manual option is also available to the user in the setup area
# 2017/01/31:
– BUG: barometric pressure now displays charts correctly (the comma on the thousands unit was breaking the chart data)
# 2017/02/20 – 2017/03/08:
– CHANGED: new system to send alert SMS’s
– BUG: history view is now updated
– ADDED: system to correct each probe offset
– ADDED: possibility to add equipments from EQ module and not only storage equipment
– ADDED: possibility to add a custom timezone
# v3.9 2017/04/13:
– ADDED: monitor now has alerts for loggers (not probes) that go offline (EMAIL and SMS, with reminders and backup contact for SMS)
– ADDED: new plugin OSLogger
# 2017/05/28:
– BUG: probe export was repeating data
# 2017/05/31:
– CHANGED: archive option is now on the left side instead of in place of the live feed
– CHANGED: confirm fancybox to archive probe
– BUG: if probe value is 0 now updates correctly
# 2017/06/10:
– CHANGED: script to send SMS tests (GOIP) was updated
# 2017/11/10:
– NEW: PDF export versions
– NEW: print now has the option to include probe history
# v3.91
– BUG: the script to test emails is now updated to the recent PHPMailer
– NEW: to determine if a probe switchs to orange now the user can provide the logger readings frequency to a more accurate interval calculation (3 * readings frequency)
– CHANGED: search calendars in probe detail view only allow to search starting in first day the probe starting recording
– CHANGED: grey probes now display a chart with the last data points recorded instead of an empty chart
– CHANGED: all autoloads (except GSMS) and monitor now fully function with the selected timezone (if exists)
– CHANGED: all charts and data points searchs now fully function with the selected timezone (if exists)
– BUG: in the probe details view when a search for dates was done the probe info (on the right) was incorrect
– NEW: probes with the type generic mV and generic mA can change the probes units
# v3.92
– NEW: DateTime class fully integrated
– NEW: stopped probes (history view) now have the same functionalities (except live feed) than active probes like print and export
– NEW: alerts history now shows the timestamp that an alert was resolved or the timestamp the alert was confirmed as received by the user (if not yet resolved)
– NEW: alerts history now displays an link the the proble chart in order to view the alert time frame
# 2017/12/12:
– BUG: export format EXCEL had an incorrect text encoding for the units text
# 2018/01/26:
– BUG: monitor and GOIP test now use the password in the database instead of the agilebio default password “agilebio” being hardcoded in the GOIP command codes
# 2018/02/15:
– BUG: only probes that are still active can be in the favorites view probe selection value (saved value is now clean from old probes)
# v3.93
– BUG: table index’s on upgrade
# v3.94
– NEW: mA probes can now have a specific formula (saved on the setup)
– CHANGED: PDF export is limited to 5 days interval to prevent memory exhaustion error
# v3.95
– NEW: alerts can now be specified by Equipment or Probe
# 2018/04/24:
– BUG: when the probe search include past years tables the searched end date was ignored and the search was made until the current day
# 2018/05/30:
– CHANGED: when configuring a specific equipment for an user in alerts (emails and sms) now only the equipments with probes will appear in the select (M1824)
# 2018/06/04:
– BUG: don’t allow access to live feed popup if LC isn’t logged in (M2111)
– BUG home, equipment view and probe view weren’t applying correctly the timezone
# 2018/08/06:
– BUG: monitor nows checks EQ module as well as storage equipment when retrieving the current equipment of an alert probe (M2445)
# 2018/09/17:
– CHANGED: now it’s not necessary to be a master admin to enter lclogger setup for that group(s) loggers being admin in the group is enough
# v3.96
– CHANGED: SMS alerts now include the probe name
– CHANGED: units Pa and kPa added to the octal probe series
# 2018/10/24:
– BUG: OW autoload was assign equipment incorrectly for light sensor’s type
# 2019/02/04:
– BUG: incorrect location showed in alert history both email and SMS
# v4.00 2019/04/04:
– CHANGED: new table system
– CHANGED: design changes
– NEW: possibility to personalize home page’s readings blocks lower half (max/max or last reading date or nothing)
# 2019/06/06:
– CHANGED: the chart reload when searching a date interval didn’t correctly update the icons URLs
# v4.00 2019/07/03
# 2019/07/10:
– BUG: monitor was calculating tolerance margins with ints when it should have been floats
– CHANGED: improved page to confirm notifications/alerts acknowledgement
– CHANGED: text changes on notifications/alerts history
– CHANGED: pure white in charts background
# v4.01 2019/07/10
# 2019/07/22:
– BUG: system to update alerts confirmation link used by monitor
# 2019/08/02:
– CHANGED: home page design improvements
# v4.02 2019/08/02
# 2019/10/04:
– BUG: SMS alert message broken due to encoding
# v4.021 2019/10/04
# 2019/10/08:
– BUG: incorrect tolerance margin calculation with float tolerance values
# v4.022 2019/10/08
# 2019/12/12:
– CHANGED: notification of alert resolved is only sent if an alert is actually sent instead of just recorded
# 2020/01/15:
– BUG: incorrect union of tables between current probe readings table and probe readings table of previous years
# 2020/08/03:
– BUG: encoding problem in alert history (M2636)
– NEW: option to disable logger alerts (M4229)
– CHANGED: v6 layout (M4314)
# 2020/08/04:
– NEW: setup page for general options (M4315)
# v5.0 2020/08/04
# 2020/08/07:
– NEW: new GOIP SINWAY plugin
– CHANGED: invert tolerance interval colors (M3822)
– BUG: the CSV export has numbers having commas so the delimiter now is tab (M2251)
# 2020/09/07:
– NEW: maximum number of allowed loggers per license (M2746)
# 2020/09/08:
– NEW: tools to clean logger’s history tables and to clean loggers never used (M4605)
# 2020/09/23:
– CHANGED: no auto lock in full screen mode(M4662)
# 2020/10/13:
– CHANGED: monitor now uses the encrypted password field
# 2020/10/16:
– CHANGED: send test email now uses LC functions
# 2020/10/19:
– BUG: retrieve readings of other probes on same equipment in probe details view was incorrect
# 2020/11/02:
– BUG: for now the POST Target URL display on logger creation/modifiction must block the http protocol because loggers don’t support https
# 2020/11/04:
– BUG: probes 20mA now allow to add 0 to it’s limits
# 2020/11/18
– NEW: “copy activation key to clipboard” feature
# 2020/11/23
– NEW: addon lclogger now uses the timezone settings from main LC
# v5.01 2020/11/23
# v5.02 2021/03/18
# 2021/05/07
– IMPROVEMENT: new system to detect if sensor readings are frozen
# 2021/05/11
– IMPROVEMENT: new “mAConv” option to be used in mA formulas
– IMPROVEMENT: new “ppm” unit for gas type probes
– IMPROVEMENT: setup to configure the decimal places of the readings in homepage
# v5.03 2021/05/12
# 2021/05/31
– IMPROVEMENT: retrieve grey probes chart with old readings (M5310)
# v5.031 2021/05/31
# 2021/06/15
– IMPROVEMENT: exterior included mini chart updated with current UI and functionalities
– BUG: preferences setup was only available for superadm or adm and was not filtering different functionalities per user access level
# 2021/07/15
– IMPROVEMENT: logger OW now is also prepared for relay sensors
# 2021/07/27
– IMPROVEMENT: Sensor trackers can now be integrated in addons
# 2021/09/02
– IMPROVEMENT: sensor include update to support addon and LC integration
# 5.033 2021/09/06
# 2021/09/08
– IMPROVEMENT: migrate GOIP plugin functions to addon itself in order to account for integated SMS systems
– IMPROVEMENT: new function to include sensors mini chart with sensor ID instead of equipment ID
# 2021/10/08
– IMPROVEMENT: now email/sms send test system requests a email/phone number to send the test email/sms instead of sending to all alert recipients
# 2021/12/08
– IMPROVEMENT: option to use OW logger datetime instead of the server datetime
# 2021/12/17
– IMPROVEMENT: minimum value of the number of points per day calculation used to retrieve old sensor readings
# 2022/01/19
– BUG: archived sensor readings in the yearly tables weren’t being detected
# 2022-02-18:
– IMPROVEMENT: direct install # 2022-04-05:
– CHANGED: sensors in homepage are now ordered by sensor name
– IMPROVEMENT: alerts setup sidebar now highlights the selected option
# 2022-04-22:
– IMPROVEMENT: probe detail history views are now loaded with ajax to increase performance
– IMPROVEMENT: new sensor equipment history view
# 5.04 2022/04/22
# 2022-05-23:
– IMPROVEMENT: sensor equipment history view now also includes history from when the sensor had no equipment
# 2022-05-27:
– IMPROVEMENT: new proteus logger (incorporated in OW) with new flood sensor (relay type)
– IMPROVEMENT: relay sensor now display a better range in the chart for improved visualization
# 2022-05-30:
– IMPROVEMENT: legacy option to retrieve sensor readings from old structure tables
# 5.05 2022/05/30
# 2022-05-30:
– IMPROVEMENT: new closed status for alerts
– CHANGED: notifications/alerts now are only sent if the recorded date of the alert is less than 24 hours
# 2022-07-07:
– IMPROVEMENT: jqplot update from 1.0.8 to 1.0.9
# 2022-07-08:
– BUG: fixed chart spikes due to readings with not enough datetime between them (minimum 30 secs enforced)
# 2022-07-14:
– IMPROVEMENT: allow user to modify the alert confirmation URL
# 2022-07-26:
– IMPROVEMENT: support for Quad 4-20 Milliamp sensors in OW logger
# 2022-08-17:
– BUG: alert text wasn’t converting the date sent in the email/sms to the correct timezone
# 18/01/2023
– IMPROVEMENT: add tsa timestamp to checksum
# 04/05/2023:
– IMPROVEMENT: email alerts now support XOAUTH2
# 15/06/2023:
– BUG: database field with maximum length too small
# 5.051 15/06/2023
# 2023-07-10:
- BUG: loggers autoload didn't take into account custom timezones
# 2023-07-12:
- CHANGE: database timestamp fields conversion to datetime fields to accommodate custom timezones
# 2023-07-14:
- BUG: encoding revisions
# 5.052 2023/07/14
# 2023-07-27:
- IMPROVEMENT: new API to update WF addon license
# 2023-08-08:
- BUG: alert received confirmation link didn't work for logger offline alerts
# 2023-08-16:
- BUG: manual alert reception confirmation didn't work for logger offline alerts
- CHANGED: security fixes for alert reception confirmation page
- CHANGED: alert reception UI reviewed
# 2023-09-06:
- IMPROVEMENT: autoload OW support for hub inline headers (M6754)
# 2023-09-07:
- IMPROVEMENT: specific standalone/saas improvements
# 5.053 2023/09/07
# 2023-09-13:
- IMPROVEMENT: specific ssl autoload
- IMPROVEMENT: filter future readings/data points (because are invalid) from the charts
# 2023-09-13:
- CHANGED: missing translations fix
- BUG: saas support for equipments filter
# 2023-10-19:
- BUG: incorrect 403 security check in old readings tooltip warning
# 2023-10-27:
- BUG: alert reception confirmation URL didn't work for logger offline alerts (M6387 - II)
# 2024-01-31:
- IMPROVEMENT: support for new sensors
# 5.054 2024/01/31
# 2024-02-08:
- IMPROVEMENT: alert reminders also for first backup contact
# 2024-02-09:
- IMPROVEMENT: additional backup contact for alerts
# 5.055 2024/02/09
# 2024-10-10:
- IMPROVEMENT: configurable snooze option on alerts acknowledgement system
# 5.056 2024/10/10
# 2024-10-18:
- IMPROVEMENT: support ok notification also for backups when applied (DEV-477)
# 5.057 2024/10/18
# 2024-10-29:
- CHANGED: adjust live feed popup height
- IMPROVEMENT: increase support for more reminders in the DB field size
- IMPROVEMENT: GOIP box inserts as the default response IP
# 2024-10-30:
- IMPROVEMENT: support for a "lclogger" tab to be used in LC (DEV-69)
# 5.058 2024/10/30
# 2024-12-04:
- BUG: security fix (DEV-573)